A Gift in Your Will
By leaving a gift to the Museum in your will, you could help secure its long term future for the benefit and enjoyment of the future generations. Full information is provided in our legacy leaflet here.
If you would like to know what your legacy will achieve, the Museum Curatorial Team would be delighted to meet with you. If you have a gift you would like to bequeath to the museum, please do let us know so that we can thank you appropriately and keep you updated about what happens at the Museum.
If you would like to include a gift to Hertford Museum in your will, a Common Form of Words is available below.
Download a Common Form of Words
If you have already made your will and wish to make an alteration to include a gift to Hertford Museum you can do so by completing a Codicil and keeping it with your original will.
If you have already included a gift to Hertford Museum in your will, or if it is your intention to do so and you would like to let us know, the simplest way is to send us a pledge.