
The Museum displays around 5% of its eclectic collections in two permanent display galleries across two floors, both fully accessible. In addition, we deliver a rolling programme of diverse and engaging temporary exibitions throughout the year in our special exhibitions gallery. This provides an opportunity to learn about and enjoy some of the other items from our vast collection.

POSTER - Hertford North 100 - May 2024
Temporary Exhibitions
  • From 21st May 2024

Tuesday 21st May 2024 - Sat 30th November 2024

100 Years of Hertford North

Celebrate the centenary of Hertford’s newest station, Hertford North.  Discover how the station was built, used and modernised, and learn about the trains and people that passed through it.

Temporary Exhibitions
  • 15th June – 13th October 2024

Saturday 15th June 2024 - Sun 13th October 2024

On The Sauce: Life & Death in Hertford’s Pubs

Discover how Hertford’s pubs have been at the centre of everyday life for over 300 years.

Temporary Exhibitions
  • 26th October 2024 – 23rd February 2025

Saturday 26th October 2024 - Sun 23rd February 2025

At the Edge of the Empire

Discover the untold story of the rural community of Foxholes Farm, growing in the shadow of the world’s most powerful empire.

Free Admission

View Past Exhibitions

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