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The Band & Drums

Conductor of the band. “Bandsmen Bell, ?,?,?, Chappell, Perry, Fleming, Hulls, Rogers, Elliott, ?, Saucede, L/CM Payne, ?, A. Haines, ?, ?, Hulls, Bull, Brian, ?, Gray. Bandsmen Hills, Manville, ?, ?, Mardell, Penn, Luck, Pasfield, Hindlaugh, L/CM Crane, ?, Singleton, R. Hills. Drummers Gilliat, Draper, Head, Bandsmen R. Haines, Evans, Tomlin, Mathews, Cpl Huttlestone, Drummer McKie, Drummer Stockwell, Bandsmen Hooker, Harper. Drummer Muncer, Cpl Hutcherson, Drum Major R. Cubberly, Captain I.L. Watkins, Major A.C. Miller, Lt. Col. G.W.H. Peters, Major G.H. Shepherd, Bandmaster F. Goddard, Sgt. Walkling, Sgt. Coombs, L/Cpl Aldenham, Drummer Bishop. Taken on the day after George Kenyon left for the S.O.S.” . 1st Battalion Hertfordshire Regiment, Gibraltar, from Major Kenyon’s scrapbook


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