Social History

Hertford Museum’s social history collection makes up the largest part of the collections and represents how people lived in the town and surrounding rural areas. Hertford Museum actively collects contemporary collections, so that the way we live now can be understood by future generations.

Ways of Life

Many of the objects in the social history collection chart the ways of life of the people of Hertford. These include household items, tools, toys and items of clothing.

From the largest objects such as a 19th-century wagon to the smallest such as gramophone needles. Hertford Museum is still collecting objects relating to the Social History of the town. If you would like to donate an object please get in touch here.

The Addis Company

Hertford Museum holds approximately 5000 brushes that make up part of the Addis Collection. The Addis factory on Ware Road was a major employer in the town until 1996. Since the closure of the factory, Hertford Museum has received photographs and documents relating to the archive, and collected oral histories from former employees. If you would like to know more, please click here.

Paper Ephemera

Hertford Museum has a diverse collection of paper ephemera. This includes sermons, prints, maps, sales particulars, advertisements, election posters and letters. These collections are important in capturing how things worked, what they looked like as well as people’s attitudes and values. If you would like to access these collections for research please get in touch here.

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