Aims of Hertford Museum: 2023

1 – To preserve, interpret and display the heritage of Hertford and surrounding villages

  • Maintain the quality of collections and seek to improve storage and conservation arrangements
  • Present a minimum of four exhibitions per annum
  • Seek funding to enhance acquisitions and collections
  • Develop relationships with surrounding parishes
  • Prioritise active collecting of material that reflects increasing diversity and social change within our collecting area.

2 – To provide a quality service that engages with a full cross-section of the local and wider community

  • Deliver learning programme that responds to the needs of different ages and learning styles
  • Engage with under-represented and diverse audiences
  • Consult with our stakeholders and make effective use of social media and marketing tools available to us in order to reach across the community
  • Find new ways to engage volunteer support
  • Respond to the changing needs of our community by diversifying how we deliver our services

3 – To be fully involved in the on-going development of Hertford and in its growth as a cultural centre and of the wider Museum collecting area

  • Work with external partners to deliver community events that promote Hertford’s cultural life
  • Seek ways to ensure the Museum benefits from Town Centre development
  • Attend local meetings that promote Hertford’s cultural life

4 – To ensure governance is of the highest standard and reflects the interests of all stakeholders

  • Identify and recruit trustees according to the future needs of the board
  • Establish clear policies and documentation that support effective management
  • Maintain Arts Council accredited status

5 – To work towards greater financial sustainability

  • Implement our fundraising strategy and continue to seek out opportunities for income generation
  • Demonstrate value for money to all stakeholders
  • Manage property and maintenance issues in a planned and pro-active way

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